Just a quick note to thank and welcome my new blog sponsor, Infragistics. We're starting off with a banner (see it there on the right?)...
... and then who knows.
Why Infragistics? I've been a fan of their products for about a billion years (since using Sheridan VBX's... yeah, see, told you, a billion years). Plus you know I blog about there stuff every so often. So when Josh from Infragistics reached out to me it, well, it seemed like a no-brainer.
That said, I'm, of course, going to keep my ad's from Developer Media. I've been with Developer Media for a few years and really like them, their service and revenue return. Best of all is that through them I've been offered a number of additional opportunities. For example, in the very near future I'll be doing my first hardware review (hint: Haswell is swell! :)
Anyway, please join me in welcoming Infragistics. They were cool before, but now, well, cool++!
(No, they did not pay for, or even request, this post, I'm just doing it because I was excited and wanted to give them a shout-out ... ;)
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