DZone - Binary Repository Management
The Essential Binary Repository Management Cheat Sheet
Software development produces both source code and binary artifacts, and both kinds of artifact need to be handled differently. This Refcard assumes basic familiarity with source repository management, and is intended to help you design and configure a binary repository, optimize it for various workflows, and fit it smoothly into your software development lifecycle.
From the PDF
❱ Repository Requirements
❱ Repository Design
❱ Hosting & Management
❱ Security & Maintenance
❱ Binary Releases
❱ Popular Repository Managers... and More!Software development produces two distinct kinds of artifacts: (1) source code, and (2) binary artifacts. This Refcard assumes basic familiarity with source repository management, and is intended to help you design and configure a binary repository, optimize it for various workflows, and fit it smoothly into your software development lifecycle.
I liked the broad, cross platform nature of this refcard. While for .Net Dev's, Nuget is pretty much the real go to for this, what I thought interesting was that two of the three products mentioned at the end provide Nuget support i.e. Nuget is as much an api as is a repository. Remember, you don't have to use if you don't want too. Nuget makes it very very easy to use other repositories...
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