RobinDotNet's Blog - Windows 8 and ClickOnce : the definitive answer revisited
Since I posted the article titled Windows 8 and Click Once: the definitive answer, it became clear that it was not actually the definitive answer.
I got a ping on twitter from Phil Haack from Github telling me that this did not fix their Smart Screen filter problem.
After talking to him, and seeing his build and signing commands, I discovered they recently changed their signing certificate. For those of you who remember the early days of ClickOnce (2005) when you changed the signing certificate and everybody had to uninstall and reinstall the application, this seemed too likely an indicator to ignore.
Knowing this, it makes sense that my test application didn’t get stopped even though it was a brand new application. I signed it with my company’s signing certificate, which has been in use for several months.
Which leads me to another issue I noticed when talking to Phil. I noticed that rather than using PostBuild or BeforePublish commands, he was using AfterCompile commands to sign his executable. I asked him about it.
PostBuild, BeforePublish, and AfterCompile, oh my!
Apparently when Phil signs his executable using PostBuild or BeforePublish commands, when the user installs it, he gets the dreaded “exe has a different computed hash than specified in the manifest” error. He found that using AfterCompile instead fixed the problem.
If you are, or are planning on using ClickOnce in a Windows 8 world, this is some great information. This will save you days of frustration...
Related Past Post XRef:
ClickOnce, Windows 8 and SmartScreen (If you're using ClickOnce, planning on Windows 8 [Desktop] and don't have a CA cert, read this...)
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