Make: - New to This Whole “Maker” Thing? Great!
As much as the headlines like to focus on 3D printing, robots, and new manufacturing companies, there’s actually a more important trend happening in the maker movement: accessibility. Even (and especially) if you don’t consider yourself a maker or tinkerer.
The tools and services are evolving at a breakneck pace, becoming both cheaper and easier to use. It’s an arms race to see who can create the most accessible, affordable ways to help you build whatever you can imagine! The big winner in this fierce competition is you, the new maker.
Getting involved has never been easier. And a lot can happen in just a few years. For instance, here’s my first Zero to Maker post from two years ago. Fast forward to next week at World Maker Faire where we’ll be demoing the newest version of OpenROV, an underwater robot I helped build with hundreds of other citizen ocean explorers.
Zero to Maker
Are you possessed by the urge to invent, design, and make something that others enjoy, but don’t know how to plug into the maker movement?
In Zero to Maker, David Lang explains how he became a pro maker after losing his job, and how the experience helped him start OpenROV—a community and product line focused on open source undersea exploration. It all happened once he became an active member of the maker culture.
Ready to take the plunge into the next Industrial Revolution? This guide provides a clear and inspiring roadmap.
I love that "Just enough" subtitle. I think that's one of the things that's going to be on my cryogenic case... :)
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