Tech Strategy Trends - Get a WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device charger (or three) at a discount
A few months ago I wrote a short review of the WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device charger. With a WakaWaka, as long as you can find a little sunlight, you can charge your smartphone, tablet, or really any other device that can be powered through a USB cable. The one issue or complaint I have about the device is its price–it’s a tad steep at $80.
Well, now WakaWaka has decided to get an early jump on the holiday discount craze with some special pricing. The holiday deals are bargains, but if you were hoping to get a WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device charger for half off you’re out of luck.There are four holiday discount deals:
- Buy two WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device chargers, get one free
- Buy two WakaWaka solar lamps for $60 (a savings of $38)
- Buy one WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device charger and one WakaWaka solar lamp for $105 (a savings of $23)
- Buy one WakaWaka solar-powered mobile device charger, get free AC charger (in case there’s no sun available)
The best deal there–at least in my opinion–is getting three solar-powered mobile device chargers for the price of two. Of course, you still have to spend $160, and you end up with three solar-powered mobile device chargers when you really only need one. But, it is a holiday special, so that may be a good deal to use to give out a couple as gifts.
The device is small enough to be portable, and rugged enough to be durable. It’s a good thing to have in your glove compartment on road trips in case your car dies and you need to charge your smartphone to call for help. It’s also an excellent thing to have with you when hiking, camping, or going to the beach–really any outdoor activities–because it may come in handy and the odds of finding an available electrical outlet while tramping through the woods is essentially nil.
WakaWaka - Holiday Specials
Thanks to your input, we have created some specials so you can share WakaWaka Powers and WakaWaka Lights with family and friends while helping a family living in darkness.
Our Holiday Specials catalog is the result of your suggestions and feedback! We have included discounts that enable sharing of lights and power while still empowering us to fund a solar lamp with every purchase. Thank you for making it possible for WakaWaka to help fund our partner organizations all over the world to bring entrepreneurial education and micro-financing to women and last mile distribution of clean, safe light to those living in darkness.
Every purchase helps us further our mission to end energy poverty in our lifetime!!
Given it's Preparedness Month, now's a great time to jump on this deal.
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