Ryan Lowdermilk - Developer? Can’t draw? Learn how to create amazing 2D art, today
Most developers would tell you, they are not artists – in the classic sense. They would tell you a story of how their UI design is poor and they always choose the worse color schemes for their apps. They would end the story by telling you about their failed attempt at creating a game and how they failed due in part to their “lack” of artistry. Well, today is the day those excuses are forever null and void. Today we will learn how to create amazing 2D, game art. For developers, by a developer.
From characters and vehicles to textures, backgrounds and accessories. If you can draw a circle and a square, you’re in the right place.
Josh-CO Dev - Creating your own game art
One thing that I have always struggled with is art, anything artsy actually. Quite frankly, I am a terrible artist. For this reason, game development has always been quite difficult for me as I either have to make my own horrible looking art, or find free art on the internet. While doing some research I ran across a great website here. This guy is able to take some art knowledge that I would consider fairly complex, and really dumb it down so that us non-artistic programmers can really “get it.” In particular, he has some great articles on drawing characters and tiles. I’ve used this as a great resource to help in my current game and have learned enough concepts that I can better my own art. So, go check him out!
2D Game Art for Programmers
Awesome! I'm going to have to have a go at this...
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