NHunspell 1.1.0 RTM
- Releasing NHunspell 1.1.0 RTM
- Hunspell 1.3.2, Hyphen 2.8.6
- Patches till 2013-03-14
Spell Checker, Hyphenation and Thesaurus: NHunspell
NHunspell brings the spell checking, hyphenation and thesaurus to the Microsoft® .NET Framework. NHunspell is C# library and wraps native libraries for Hunspell, Hyphen and MyThes. One design goal of this library and wrapper is to keep the source code of the included libraries as unmodified as possible. New versions of the base libraries can therefore easily adopted to NHunspell.
The integrated libraries are used in OpenOffice and they work with the dictionaries published on OpenOffice.org.
NHunspell is licensed under: GPL/LGPL/MPL. Free use in commercial applications is permitted according to the LGPL and MPL licenses. Your commercial application can link against the NHunspell DLLs.
The spell checker library Hunspell is a state of the art spell checker for languages with complex word compunding and rich morphology. It was written by László Németh for spell checking of the Hungarian language and can be used with utf8 encoded unicode directories. Hunspell is based on MySpell and can use MySpell directories too.
Hunspell is the default spell checker of OpenOffice, Mozilla Thunderbird and Firefox, Google Chrome and the Apple MAC OS/X operating system since version 10.6 "Snow Leopard". ...
Good to see this project is alive and kicking. You caught you can get it via NuGet too, right?
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