With Google Reader and my client reader of choice both dead, and given my complete reliance on consuming feeds, I, like so many of you, have started shopping for a replacement. This is my thinking out loud list of stuff I must have/should have/would be nice if it had feature list.
First off, I'm an edge case. Probably close to a worse case edge case. I subscribe to, as of this morning, 2,536 feeds. Many of these feeds are aggregate feeds, like blogs.msdn.com, etc. While many of those feeds might not be active (my philosophy has been, when in doubt subscribe) many are. I scan 4k+ posts a day. This list is with all that in mind.
Must Have
- Must support thousands of feeds
- Must support folders
- Must be server/cloud based
- Must support fast scanning (i.e visual review of title)
- Must have HTML5 interface
- Must support OPML import
- Must support OMPL export
- Must support large OPML Import (> 500k file size)
- Must have well performing UI
- Must allow for scanning/marking as read by folder
- Must honor my privacy, be private by default
- Must be able to handle wonky feeds
- Must not be a vector for web based infection
- Must check for updated feeds at least every 30 minutes
- Must be able to handle very active feeds (or at least have option to "turn on" highly active feed support)
- Must support RSS 1+ and ATOM
- Must have a solid business plan/revenue stream
Should Have
- Should have a two way API (not just pull from client, but push back, such as read status, as well)
- Should have Folder filtering to show only those folder with unread articles
- Should be smart enough that feeds use single instance storage, but read status is personal (i.e. if two or more people subscribe to the same feed, it's only grabbed from the given site and stored once, using the same update period)
- Should provide bandwidth limited features (even when using HTML5 version). I use a hotspot on my train ride to/from work, I don't want a bandwidth hog site/service. So option to filter out images/video/etc
- Should work in IE
- List/title view by All/Folder
- Bulk option settings. I want to apply a view setting for all feeds, feeds by folder, etc. For example, change to a List/Title View for ALL folders, not have to do so, folder by folder.
- Should have a clean and simple UI
Would Be Nice If
- Windows Desktop/Windows Phone 8/Windows RT (in that order) client
- Staring/favoriting/saving posts
- Would be nice if the service were to somehow allow of better post providing tracking, i.e. support individual recoding/reporting to the producer of the feed. So if two people subscribe to the same feed, instead of being a single consumer, the producing site would see it as two.
- Statics
Things I don't currently care about
- Sharing articles
- Social service integration
- Magazine views
That's enough for now... Will update as more come to mind. :)
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